Keeping Well in Times of Change

Self-care reminders

When big changes are going on in our life, we can have moments of overwhelm. At these times especially, let’s remind ourselves of some basic needs – 

  • Create warmth and comfort, rest whenever needed
  • Eat as well as you can, foods that strengthen and nourish
  • Keep hydrated, drink plenty of water. Avoid anything that weakens or puts further stress on you.
  • Be around people who help you to feel safe, talk to others, share your feelings, ask for support
  • Allow others to help and support
  • Take time in nature each day, even a moment tuning in to birdsong or watching the sky or trees
  • Express yourself through journalling or artwork, singing or shouting, sounding, in the shower for example can be great for releasing emotion

Self referrals for UK helplines and websites:

The Good Grief Trust

Cruse Bereavement Support


Spiritual Emergency Crisis Guide